Thursday 28 January 2016

3 Ways A Locksmith Can Help You When You’re Locked Out Of Your Car

People tend to panic when they find out they’ve locked themselves out of a car. This article prepares those who inadvertently do so.

There are several different scenarios where people have inadvertently locked themselves out of their car, whether it is leaving it in the ignition switched off, leaving the car running with the lights on, or the worst case scenario: misplacing the car key. Regardless of the scenario, the result is extreme upset and panic, especially if there is no convenient access to a spare key. But an experienced locksmith is able to help.

Locksmiths can perform the most basic of functions, and that is actually opening up a vehicle where the key has been left in the car. Locksmiths carry several tools to assist with jimmying locks from the outside. Tools such as slim jims and wedges allow locksmiths to easily access a manual car lock mechanism from the outside with minimal damage to the vehicle. Locksmiths use these tools by inserting them between the door panel and the window.

The second thing that mobile locksmiths are prepared to do in cases where there is a lockout and the engine was left running or the lights were left on, is to assist with refueling or jumping the car’s battery. In cases where these extra services are needed, clients should inform the locksmith prior to arrival. Many locksmiths carry mobile gas cans and can put a gallon of gas in the car, which is usually enough to carry clients to the nearest service station. The cost of this service varies, depending on the gas price and the locksmith’s charge for the extra time or mileage. In cases where the battery has died, most mobile locksmiths carry portable battery charger. The locksmith may jump the battery free or charge or assess a small fee.

Finally, in the case where the key is actually lost and in need of replacement, locksmiths can create a key. For older model cars, it is a simple matter of finding the key code in the owner’s manual and cutting a key to specifications. For newer models that contain a chip, the locksmith must additionally get the lock code to the chip correct in order to start the car. This function works not only for lost chip keys, but also for keys where the chip has been worn down or damaged.

There’s no need to panic if you ever get locked out of your car if you remember these 3 things a locksmith can help you with in a car lockout situation. For a company that can help you, visit this website for car rekeying in El Cajon.

Wednesday 27 January 2016

Exit Alarms: Don’t Leave Money on the Table

Exit alarms and exit devices share a single commonality—they both occupy a spot at an exit door. Where exit signs show the way out of a building, exit alarms provide ready egress while securing a door against unauthorized access from possible outside more

Secure Your New Space With New Keys

You’ve taken that first step toward your dream by going into business for yourself. You’ve earned enough capital to actually acquire that new office space you’ve been negotiating with for months. You’ve purchased all the office equipment and furnishings you need to make the space work for you. Now you only need to do one thing: make sure that your new office is protected with new keys to the office. There should be no question as to why you should rekey new office buildings.

The fact of the matter is that you don’t know who previously had access to the office. Besides worrying about whether the previous owner can still gain entry, you always have to worry about anyone who may have been previously employed by the person you purchase the building from. Rekeying the locks in the office gives the added piece of mind that all of your hard work is not exposed without your knowledge.

• Protect your equipment. Depending on the nature of your business, there could be hundreds, even thousands of dollars’ worth of equipment in your office.

• Protect your client information. In an age of constant data breaches, files are especially vulnerable to attack.

To read more about why you should rekey new office buildings, visit this retailer of commercial rekeying in Santee.